Sunday, December 19, 2010

Week 14 & Final Reflection

So here it is the final week, and the final post! I enjoyed this class very much and I know that I learned a lot. I think I learned more in this studio class than I have in any other studio class while here at Stout. I had some experience with painting, drawing, ceramics, and design before I came to college. However, I had no experience with life drawing. I came into this class with little to no prior knowledge to fall back on. Of course I knew what the human form looked like, I knew about human proportions, but I had very little experience in drawing them, and no experience drawing them from life. I am happy that I took this class, because I think it is something all people who are entering the artworld should have at least some knowledge about.

I am also happy with the progress I’ve made since the beginning of the semester, and even since midterm. I cringe a little bit while looking back on the first gesture drawings and the early poses. While my current drawings are not perfect, they have improved tremendously. My knowledge of the human form have improved, my knowledge of the internal structures, and I think most importantly, my knowledge of the way the human body moves and carries itself has improved, all of which comes through in my drawings.

I really enjoyed the gesture drawings. Drawing quickly is my strength, and the gesture drawings allow me to do what I feel I do best. I have also come to appreciate the long poses, however. They have taught me how to slow down and be patient, as well as how to understand my own ways of creating. However, I struggled immensely with the mannequin assignment. I spent more time on that aspect of this course than any other, sad to say, and I think it looks worse than anything else I have produced in this class. That is certainly discouraging. 

In my midterm reflection, I said that I hoped to improve as much in the last half of the semester as I did in the first half. I can say without a doubt that I have achieved that goal. To see my improvements through my final portfolio, click here. 

And Happy Holidays, everybody :) 


  1. Your shell drawing is very bright and bold. The yellow ink wash is very intense, very nice.

  2. I felt the same way about not having had any experience drawing people before and getting to see the substantial progress I had made! It was really exciting to see the progress! I can definitely see the improvement from your first shell to your second.

  3. I really enjoyed the colors you used in your shell drawing. It is also good to hear that you enjoyed the gesture drawings, as these were my least favorite thing. Glad to hear you improved and got a lot out of this class as I believe I did as well.

  4. I think this shell is an improvement from your last shell drawing 3. I love that you chose such bold colors, but yet left nice highlights that really sell the form, especially in the spines of the shell. The contrast from the darker, heavier lines in front work really well since you lighten the back quite dramatically. Good job!

  5. I agree with your thoughts about the manikin. I really struggled with this assignment, but learned a lot from it. I really liked how your final shell turned out and love the bright colors.
